Saturday, July 19, 2008

Great Grandma

Mother got to spend some time with her beautiful Great Granddaughter this weekend before heading on the rest of the way back home. I got off of work early yesterday and headed home as quick as I could. We went out to dinner last night with Kirby, Sean and my friend Julie. We went to La Hacienda. Yummy as always. Mother headed out with Nell about 9am this morning on the last leg of her summer trip. It was a lovely vacation while it lasted!......


Jim said...

Wow! What a great set of pictures! Thank you so much for posting them. It is exciting to see the four generations. Ron Jon is a lucky man, he has a beautiful family.

Anne said...

I loved all the pictures! Madeline is a doll. I hopr RonJon realizes how blessed he is with Rachel and Madeline! How long until Thanksgiving?

Marianne said...

Madeline is so cute!!! I wish I could have seen Madeline while grandma and you were there. I can't wait till thanksgiving!!!

sheltiemom said...

Okay, Okay, for a two legged creature she IS kind of cute! I was very happy to see the wonderful pictures of Rachael. I can't wait until Thanksgiving either!