Sunday, May 2, 2010

Ft. Jackson Trip

The newest Soldier in the family, PFC Wixon.

Thursday was family day and we were all happy to spend time with RonJon. He wasn't allowed to leave post this day, so we pretty much split our time between the park and the bowling alley. Maddie even got to bowl a game.

Natalie is getting so big!

My beautiful granddaughters all matching.
Watching the graduation ceremony on Friday.

We were so happy that Cory got to come too. He made it there late Thursday afternoon after a jump and 9 or 10 mile ruck march!

Proud Mom!

The Hall family.

The Wixon family.

We all had lunch together at TGI Friday's before we had to part ways. Jennifer and family headed back to North Carolina. I headed home to Florida, and RonJon and family headed to Augusta, Georgia where he will be stationed for about the next year to complete his schooling. It was wonderful to see everyone and get to kiss the grandbabies!


Andy said...

Great pictures. Congratulations to Ron-Jon

sheltiemom said...

RonJon you look great! Congratulations!! I love all the pictures of everyone!