Saturday, May 15, 2010

Happy Sad Day!

Well... the day finally arrived. Rachael and Maddie are moving to Augusta to be with RonJon while he is in school. I am excited for them to get a fresh start together with a place of their own, but I sure am going to miss them!!

It looked like a used car lot while everyone was there.

TJ, John and Cory came to help Rachael with the heavy lifting. I know she really appreciated being able to count on them!

I couldn't resist getting a picture of this. Rachael was trying to make more room in the trash can. Somehow it always fills up quicker when you are moving!

Maddie was sticking pretty close by the truck. I think she was trying to make sure all of her stuff didn't leave without her.

Well, I guess this is really it... They headed out first thing this morning. Rachael, Maddie and Becky (the dog) in the lead vehicle and Rachael's mom Val driving the U-Haul. Safe travels! You will be missed!!


Heather said...

Good luck and travel safe Racheal, Maddi and everyone!! Don't worry, it'll get better soon!!

sheltiemom said...

How exciting!! Off to their new great adventure. Embrace your new life it can be really awesome!

Anne said...

I hope you are doing fine. I know the house must have felt very empty. Happy, sad it is. It will be good for Rachael and RonJon.