Monday, February 15, 2010

Farrier Day

This is my farrier Robin with Bahloo's buddy Shadow. Shadow is 20+ and has a hard time keeping weight on in the winter.. I'm sure Heather understands that one.

Robin said he is 6'3" to the top of his hat.

Sorry the pics don't look much better. It was really chilly out there again. Gray and damp. There was a little more snow just north of here in the early hours of the day.


Heather said...

HEhe, I'm learning tricks to keep weight on old horses, though Phoenix has no problem with weight and he's 26, Jazz is reallllly thing and she's almost 17. Weight builder suplliment or rice bran oil with their grain is the best option. Jazz is on weight builder right now but when it warms up a tad i'm going to try the rice bran oil.
Bahloo looks happy. Try riding in the little bit 'o snow you had? that's fun if you have a more sure footed horse. Phoenix is a bit old to try that with.

sheltiemom said...

Thank you for the pictures! I think you're right, she is about the same size.